
More Whistle Information from Other Sites

Visit the Chiff and Fipple whistle forums - where it all started. Mack and Elizabeth met here decades ago. Social media's rise has led to a corresponding decrease in traffic but it's still an excellent informational resource for whistlers, with plenty of helpful people.

Mack Hoover Builds a Whistle - visit the workshop of Hoover Whistles in this blast from the past.

Visit Sheepshape Crafts to see if any MackBeth whistles are listed for immediate online ordering.

YouTuber CutiePie reviews a telescoping Hoover whistle here. Posted in August 2020, this video led to great interest in travel-sized whistles and Mack had his hands full with orders for a while! This was one of Mack's Low A models.

YouTuber Reyben Kim Woodwinds discusses another telescoping Hoover. This one is a high D model. This video was published in March 2024 and mentions the emergence of MackBeth Whistles.